No. 1 (2023)

Boredom in Pandemic Times: It Won’t Make Us More Creative (Unfortunately)

Josefa Ros Velasco
Complutense University of Madrid

Published 2023-01-01


  • Boredom,
  • Pandemic,
  • Lockdown,
  • COVID-19,
  • Entertainment,
  • Social Media
  • ...More

How to Cite

Ros Velasco, J. (2023). Boredom in Pandemic Times: It Won’t Make Us More Creative (Unfortunately). Journal of Boredom Studies, (1). Retrieved from


Translation of Ros Velasco, J. (2021). La pandemia del aburrimiento durante el confinamiento por el COVID-19. In J. L. Villacañas Berlanga (Ed.), Pandemia. Ideas en la encrucijada (pp. 167–188). Biblioteca Nueva. Shortened and revised version reproduced with permission of Biblioteca Nueva.


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  7. Ros Velasco, J. (2021). La pandemia del aburrimiento durante el confinamiento por el COVID-19. In J. L. Villacañas Berlanga (Ed.), Pandemia. Ideas en la encrucijada (pp. 167–188). Biblioteca Nueva. Shortened and revised version reproduced with permission of Biblioteca Nueva.
  8. Ros Velasco, J. (2022). La enfermedad del aburrimiento. Alianza Editorial.
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